This was a motion for costs by the successful Plaintiff. The Plaintiff sought costs assessed on a solicitor,client basis or, in the alternative in accordance with the maximum number of units under Column IV of Part II Tariff B and a doubling of the counsel fee as a result of offers to settle. The claim for solicitor client costs was …
Full SummaryThe Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland v. The Nel, (February 16, 1998), No.T-2416-97
This was an appeal from an order of the Prothonotary in which the Prothonotary refused an adjournment of a pending motion and refused to allow counsel to appear by telephone conference call on short notice. The appeal was denied. The Judge on appeal noted, as did the Prothonotary, that the Court often tries to proceed by telephone conference call when …
Full SummaryCSL Group Inc. v. Canada, 1997 CanLII 5616
This was an application by the Defendant for increased costs. The Defendant had been successful in its defence of an action brought by the Plaintiff. The action had been a test case in which the Plaintiff sought to recover substantial damages for delays experienced by its ships in the transit of the St. Lawrence Seaway during November and December, 1989. …
Full Summary