Freightlift Private Limited v. Entrepot DMS Warehouse Inc.,, 2011 FC 280

In Admiralty Practice, Pleadings on (Updated )

The plaintiff in this action was an Indian freight forwarder who had been retained to arrange shipment of four containers of clothing to Montreal. The bills of lading for the containers named the plaintiff as consignee because the purchaser had not paid for the cargo. The purchaser was in fact unable to pay for the cargo when it arrived and, …

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Berhad v. The Queen, 2003 FC 992

In Admiralty Practice, Pleadings on (Updated )

This was an application to strike out the Statement of Claim. The underlying action was a claim by the owner of the vessel “Lantau Peak” against the Federal government and two steamship inspectors. The two inspectors detained the vessel and would not allow it to be moved until repairs were completed. The Plaintiff wanted to move the vessel to another …

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