Upon making an order for the forfeiture of a boat and outboard motor, the court said that: In determining the nature of any fine which is appropriate must consider any forfeiture order in applying the totality principle of sentencing (see R. v. Spellacy (1995), 131 Nfld. & P.E.I.R. 127 (N.L.C.A.)) . . . If counsel seek to persuade a Court …
Full SummaryThese summaries of recent Fisheries law cases are prepared by Brad Caldwell of Caldwell & Co., 404-815 Hornby Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6Z 2E6. Telephone (604) 689-8894, E-mail: brad@marine-law.ca CV: Link.
Readers are urged to consult CanLii for updates to the cases digested on this site.