This was a judicial review application challenging a decision of the Minister of Agriculture Food and Fisheries to approve an amendment of a aquaculture licence allow a change from Chinook salmon to Atlantic salmon. After hearing evidence the court granted a declaration that the Minister had a continuing duty to consult and adjourned the application for judicial review generally.
Full SummaryThese summaries of Fisheries law cases were prepared by retired lawyer Brad Caldwell.
Readers are cautioned this material is not up to date and are urged to consult CanLii for updated cases.
Nunavut Territory (Attorney General) v. Canada, 2005 FC 342
This case involved the challenge of a decision of the Minister of Fisheries involving the allocation of the benefit of a 29 per cent increase in the total allowable catch of shrimp. This 29 per cent increase amounted to 2,127 additional tons of catch. of that 2,127 tons, all but 940 tons were allocated to Nunavut or Nunavut related interests. …
Full Summary