This case involved a charge against a crab fish harvester who was caught hauling his crab traps more than once per day contrary to the conditions of his crab licence. During final argument after electing to call no evidence, defence counsel objected to the charge on the grounds that it did not disclose an offence known to law. In particular, …
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These summaries of Fisheries law cases were prepared by retired lawyer Brad Caldwell.
Readers are cautioned this material is not up to date and are urged to consult CanLii for updated cases.
R v. Beck, (2009) NWTSC 26
This case involved a accused charged with "[o]n or about September 19, 2006 . . . [d]id set unmarked fishing gear . . .". At trial, the Trial Judge refused an application under s. 601(3) of the Criminal Code to amend the Information to insert the words "operate or leave unattended" after the word "set". He did so on the …
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